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Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit's Adventures in Oyo Kingdom

Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit's Adventures in Oyo Kingdom-虹猫蓝兔奥悠国历险记

"Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit is Adventures in Oyo Country" is a fantasy-themed animation series that combines 2D and 3D technology, with a total of 52 episodes, each episode lasting 17 minutes. "Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit is Adventures in Oyo Country" tells the story of Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit receiving a letter for help from the neighboring Oyo Country when they attended the anniversary celebration of the unification of the Dream Country. The two and Michael were ordered to go to Oyo Country to investigate, but found that everyone here had lost their dreams and was gradually becoming porcelain. In order to save the people of Oyo Country, Rainbow Cat, Blue Rabbit, and Tang Monk came to Oyo Country and started the dream-making operation, but found that the dream cores of the people here had been lost and they could not make dreams at all. The initiator of all this came from an old woman named Monica. When she found that the dream core could make her regain the beauty of her youth, she began to frantically use material enjoyment to tempt the people of Oyo Country to sell their dream cores. In order to help the people of Oyo Country regain their past dreams, Rainbow Cat, Blue Rabbit, and Tang Monk can only create beautiful dreams by finding the super dream core - the son of dreams. With the help of Pudding, a little boy from the Kingdom of Aoyo, Rainbow Cat and his companions set out on a journey to find the Child of Dreams. But will Monica let Rainbow Cat and his companions destroy her plan for eternal youth?


2024-09-13 17:26:52,Last Updated 7days ago
