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Eternal Immortal Dome Season 2

Eternal Immortal Dome Season 2-万古仙穹第二季

Gu Hai was healing in the spirit pool. When he was confused by the Gu worm and was almost controlled, Xiao Rou suddenly rushed out to block the erosion of the Gu worm. Xiao Rou, who was retaliated by the Gu worm, suffered a huge shock. The energy in her body suddenly burst out, and her spiritual power was scattered. Xiao Rou was seriously injured. Gu Hai woke up from the illusion and found that the injured and unconscious Xiao Rou was surrounded by Gu worms. He immediately helped Xiao Rou to disperse the Gu worms. Gu Hai, who felt heartbroken, was determined to save Xiao Rou. He could not face another woman who died for him. Then Master Liansheng lost his physical strength to save POPO and was unable to save the seriously injured Xiao Rou. In a hurry, the only way was to rob the peaches. So the four man team faced a situation of fighting with the Ninth Master again. As a result, Yitian Pavilion launched a counterattack to prevent the peaches from being robbed. The evil peach tree exuded a dark magic that sucked human blood, and countless cultivators died on the way to the peaches. Gu Hai and his group discovered the secret of the peaches and decided to rescue Xiao Rou and then destroy this evil place. In the battle with the Ninth Prince, the three were seriously injured one after another. At the critical moment, POPO burst out with a powerful ability and fought with the Ninth Prince. Then when the battle was intense, the Great Ming King God and Chen Taiji, who were attracted by Xiao Rou is spiritual power, had been watching the battle from a high place. They were also looking for an opportunity to snatch the peaches, and what they wanted was far more than just the peaches...


2024-09-13 17:43:52,Last Updated 7days ago

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